The ultra-short version of Warhammer 40,000 lore goes something like this: More on all that below! Let’s take a look at the game’s background story. On top of that, many players like to play the game in campaigns where multiple games are tied together to form a coherent story, and the game has rules for upgrading your fighters between games. After a few rounds, the game ends, and the mission objectives determine which team wins.

You take turns moving and fighting with one or more models (depending on their rules), using custom measuring tools to measure distances, and using dice to resolve shots and melee combat. You assemble a kill team of soldiers from a specific faction, and pit them against another player’s kill team in a specific mission which is played on a game mat with sculpted scenery for your soldiers to cover behind or climb up on. The gameplay of Kill Team is basically the following:

Since Kill Team builds on the existing 40K universe and its model ranges, there are already dozens of factions ( you can see all 40k Factions here) for you to build kill teams for, but in this new edition, bespoke boxes of models built primarily for Kill Team are also being released, so there has never been a better time to get on board this great skirmish game. If you’re new to the 40k universe, Kill Team is a fast-paced tactical tabletop experience with great depth but also a very streamlined play experience without some of the older idiosyncrasies of Games Workshop design. In this new edition, however, Games Workshop has taken a big step away from 40k rules, so if you’re used to playing 40k, Kill Team will feel very new to you. The current version of Kill Team is the second since the game was relaunched after the release of Warhammer 40,000’s eighth edition, but the idea of playing 40k with small squads has been around for a long time. These sorts of games are also called Skirmish Games. This makes the game feel very different from larger tabletop wargames: Each model has a role in the game, and you can get very invested in the story of your small team and their grimdark adventures. You also control each individual model rather than a whole unit at a time. This means that, while regular games of Warhammer 40,000 features big armies with many different units, vehicles and characters, Kill Team is all about a small group of soldiers fighting other small groups of soldiers. Kill Team is a Warhammer 40,000 tabletop skirmish game. 7 Our Verdict on Kill Team 2.0 What is Kill Team?